Photo of the altar crucifixion window

Stewardship Reflection: Evangelizing in a Hidden Way

已发布 : Apr-02-2020


The donkey on which Jesus rode into Jerusalem could’ve seen all the palms and praises being sung around him and been tempted to believe that he was the one being celebrated. However, we, as onlookers, can clearly see that the crowds were not praising the donkey, but the one sitting on its back, Jesus Christ. During this period of social distancing, where we likely won’t be able to perform any grand outward acts of charity, let us practice serving in little ways, through prayer and sacrifice, and grow in our resolve to do so without seeking any recognition. 

Readings for Palm (Passion) Sunday

Procession Gospel: Mt 21.1-11 – Jesus’ Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem
First Reading: Isaiah 50.4-7
Second Reading: Philippians 2.6-11
Gospel: Matthew 26.14–27.66 – The Passion of the Lord

Evangelizing in a Hidden Way

This Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, the most sacred time of the year for Christians. It opens with the celebration of Palm (Passion) Sunday where Jesus triumphantly enters Jerusalem riding a donkey amidst the waving palm branches. We glean great insight into true stewardship when we reflect on this event through the lens of the donkey.

From the donkey`s perspective, he sees a great crowd ready to welcome him into Jerusalem. He hears their songs of praise and sees people laying their coats and branches on his path. It would be easy for the donkey to feel prideful as he walks along. However, any onlookers could clearly see, the crowd is not praising the donkey, but the one sitting upon its back, Jesus Christ.

As disciples, we can be tempted to indulge in the admiration and attention we receive due to our acts of charity. We should regularly ask ourselves, how often do we serve in order to receive these moments of praise? In this time of social distancing, we have a good opportunity to grow in our desire to love others without receiving any recognition. 

We likely won’t be able to perform any grand outward gestures of service during this period, but are we still able to pray for others and offer sacrifices for their intentions. Just like the donkey, we are called not to serve God for our own glory, but for Jesus’. Let us continue to perform small, hidden, acts of charity and grow in directing all the praise towards Him, the true humble servant.