Photo of the altar crucifixion window

Meditate on God’s Word

Saturday, September 14, 2024 - Saturday, September 21, 2024
Holy Cross Parish

Photo representing Jesus with hand outstretched and the text "But who do you say that I am?"


1st Reading:            Isaiah 50:5-9a
2nd Reading:          James 2:14-18
Gospel:                   Mark 8.27-35 – Peters Declaration about Jesus

A Living Faith

“What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works?” In our second reading from the Letter of James we are challenged to have a living faith, a faith that is backed up by action. Let us take some time to reflect on how we can live out our faith through stewardship.

While prayer and our relationship with Christ should always remain the most important aspect of our lives, it should still lead us to take action. This is the life of a steward. Before we can bring Jesus to others, our hearts must be filled with His love through our prayer and frequent reception of the Eucharist. We can only give what we have first received.

Moreover, we should always realize that the most generous and loving thing we can do for someone is pray for them. This is the humbling reality of being a disciple. It is not our own merits
that bring about change but rather God’s mercy and providence. Therefore, we should always turn to intercessory prayer before we take any action. However, after entrusting everything to God, we can then play our part and concretely try to help. For example, St. James cautions us against only praying for people who are hungry while not actually offering some of our food. The prayer is essential, but as stewards, we must strive to offer tangible support as well. Let us take some time to reflect on how we can better put our faith into action through proper use of our time and talents.


In our second reading from the Letter of James we are challenged to have a living faith, a faith that is backed up by action. However, we should first realize that the most generous and loving thing we can do for someone is pray for them. However, after entrusting everything to God, we can then play our part and concretely try to help through proper use of our time and talents.
