Photo of the altar crucifixion window

Meditate on God’s Word

Saturday, June 29, 2024 - Saturday, July 06, 2024
Holy Cross Parish

Photo of a woman reaching out to touch Jesus' clothing


1st Reading:          Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24
2nd Reading:         2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15
Gospel:                  Mark 5.21-43 – A Girl Restored to Life and a Woman Healed

Recreation vs Re-creation

Summer is a great time to travel with friends and family. It is also within these days that we have the opportunity to slow down from our fast paced lives and enjoy some rest and leisure time.
However, while the summer may be a time for vacation, it should never be a vacation from God. We should still strive to be committed to our prayer life, although adapted for summer time and different daily routines. We should still make it a priority to attend Sunday Mass even when away on vacation in another city, province, or foreign land. We can even use the extra free time to attend daily Mass when possible.

Essentially, if we want to make the best of our summer, we should use it to grow deeper in our relationship with God. Summertime is either a time of recreation or re-creation. We can relax, go on vacations with family and friends, which are all good and beautiful. However, if we’re not using the summer as an opportunity to grow deeper in our relationship with Christ, we are not making the most of our time.

Moreover, as we utilize the summer to grow in our own relationship with Christ, as true stewards we should look outward to our neighbour. One beautiful practice we can adopt is to volunteer as a family with various ministries or organizations. There are also many Catholic summer camps for children that we can take part in, whether as a participant or adult volunteer. Let us use this beautiful time of summer to grow in our stewardship.


While summer is a beautiful time for rest and vacation, it should never be a vacation away from God. If we’re not using the summer as an opportunity to grow deeper in our relationship with Christ, we are not making the most of our time. Along with our time of leisure, we should try to use our time to volunteer with various summer programs including Catholic summer camps across the diocese.
