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Understanding the Mystery of Life
Life is a path, a pilgrimage; it is a journey we walk with the Lord and with others. Watch Archbishop Leo’s homily from the Third Sunday of Easter:
Mystery of Life
Strengthening the Fabric of our Faith Community
In recognition and appreciation of all volunteers throughout the Archdiocese during National Volunteer Week (April 16-22, 2023) we asked various members of the community about the role of volunteers and how volunteering weaves us together, thereby strengthening the fabric...
Mercy Changes Lives
Love and self-sacrifice go hand in hand – ask any parent!
Check out Archbishop Leo’s homily from Divine Mercy Sunday:
Divine Mercy Homily
Christos Anesti! Alothos Anesti!
In his Easter homily, Archbishop Leo talks about the imagery around the most joyous day of the church calendar. Watch the homily here:
Christos Anesti!
The World Needs a Jesus Revolution
There was a popular song that was written in the 1960’s that proclaimed: “What the world needs now is love, sweet love, it’s the only thing that there is just too little of. What the...
Homily of Mass of Installation of the Most Rev. Francis Leo
Homily of Mass of Installation of the Most Rev. Francis Leo
Archbishop of Toronto
St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica
25 March 2023 - Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Brothers and Sisters, Family, Friends...
Serve the Lord with Gladness
In Cardinal Collins’ final Sunday homily as Archbishop of Toronto, he talks about the role of Bishop, and how a Bishop must guide the flock of Christ and keep it safe. Watch the entire homily here:
St. Patrick: A Shepherd of Souls
Patrick, the teenage shepherd of sheep, was called by God to be a shepherd of souls. Watch Cardinal Collins as he speaks on the feast of St. Patrick from the annual Mass of St. Patrick held at St. Michael's...
Elementary, My Dear Watson
In his homily from Sunday, March 12, Cardinal Collins speaks on how the role of the “person who doesn’t understand” is important. We have to struggle to go deeper. We are called to receive the living...
See and Listen
In his homily from Sunday, March 5, at St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica in Toronto, Cardinal Collins touches on how we look but rarely see, we hear but so rarely do we listen. It may be challenging, but we are...
The Gift of the Unexpected Grace
Fr. Eric Mah, Pastor of St. James Parish in Colgan and host of the popular Catholic Latte, speaks about the call to discipleship and the gift of unexpected graces. As key examples, Fr. Eric refers to two paintings: "The...
See, Judge and Act
In Cardinal Collins’ homily on the first Sunday of Lent, he speaks of how we cannot live on bread alone, but rather we need to see the riches hidden in Christ, assess it, and act by our conduct.
The Power of the Prophetic Gesture
Reflecting on the Lord's invitation to love our enemies (Mt:38-48), Fr. Eric Mah, Pastor of St. James Parish in Colgan and host of the popular Catholic Latte podcast speaks about the power of the prophetic gesture...
Nobody's Perfect
Whenever anyone does something wrong, we've got an excuse: "Nobody's perfect, what can I do?"
Check out Cardinal Collins' homily from Sunday February 19 from St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica:
Cardinal Feb 19 Homily
Life is short, eternity is long
In his homily from Sunday, February 12, 2023, Cardinal Collins speaks about how we can choose the pathway to life, which exceeds the superficial. He tells us how we are all called to live with fervor and devotion. We are...
Saying Yes to God in All Things
When we say yes in response to His inspirations it always has massive implications, not just for ourselves but in fact, for the entire world. Check out this reflection by Fr. Eric Mah, Pastor of St. James Parish in...
Called In Brokenness
At first glance it might seem that the first disciples stopped what they were doing and started following Jesus because of some magic spell. But that wasn’t the reason. Why did they follow Jesus? Check out this reflection...
Cardinal Collins on Faith in Our Lives
At the 43rd annual Cardinal's Dinner that took place November 15, 2022, Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto spoke about living a faithful life in a secular society by going deeper in prayer and in the study of our...