First Reading: Isaiah 62:1-5
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
Gospel: John 2.1-12 – The Wedding at Cana
Lessons from Cana
In the Gospel this Sunday we hear about Jesus’ first miracle. Jesus was with His mother and disciples at a wedding in Cana when the wine had run out. Mary asked Jesus to help and He in turn changed six large jars of water into delicious fine wine. Let us take some time to reflect on this extraordinary event and see how it can influence us in our life of stewardship.
Firstly, we can learn a beautiful lesson about the role of Mary in our lives from this scene. It was our Blessed Mother who noticed that the wine was running out and she was quick to intervene. Mary has a true mother’s heart and is very in tune with the needs of all her children. Whenever we are in a time of trial we should run to Mary and trust that she will console us as a mother console her young. Perhaps the next time we experience a moment of difficulty, let us take a moment to stop, consider the loving embrace of Our Lady and say a Hail Mary.
Additionally, from this episode we can learn a great deal about trust and obedience from the servants whom Jesus instructed. The Gospel says that the servants had “drawn the water” from the jars. The servants saw the cup filled with water, yet they still trusted that something remarkable would happen when they handed the cup to the chief steward. Sometimes from our perspective nothing remarkable is happening in our good works of stewardship. However, let us strive to trust that God can take our simple acts and bring about great miracles through them.
We can learn a great deal about stewardship from the account of the Wedding at Cana that we read in the Gospel today. Just as Mary was the first to notice and intervene at the wedding, we can be assured that whenever we run to her in a time of trial, she will readily come to our aid. Secondly, we should seek to imitate the servants who trustingly obeyed Jesus and strive to trust that God can bring about great miracles through our small acts of stewardship.